
Learn About Maine Marine Life

If you would like to learn more about Maine marine life, there are some wonderful free resources on the web. The Maine Department of Marine Resources has a very nice Teacher's Guide to Marine Life of the Gulf of Maine which has information about clams, mussels, oysters, scallops, crabs, shrimp, lobster, sea stars, sea urchins, sand dollars, sea cucumbers, and more. Another great resource is the Gulf of Maine Marine Coloring Book. If you want to learn more about lobsters, you can print the free Lobster's Life Coloring Book for younger children and a Lobster Booklet for older children and adults.

Don't forget to read some great stories from Maine such as:
Blueberries for Sal
One Morning in Maine
Time of Wonder
Andre the Famous Harbor Seal
Miss Rumphius


  1. Blueberries for Sal is one of our favorites!

    Thanks for all the resources. We will definitely be checking them out. :-)

  2. I have always wanted to visit Maine. I have been to Rhode Island and Mass. but never to Maine. It is always on my list. Thank you for reminding me why.

  3. Told you I was comming to your site to check it out. :)
    Keep up the good work on your blog. Talking about learning Maine Marine Life, I should really think about taking the kids to the Headlight? Is that what it's called in Portland. We went there the year before last with the group.
    I second Blueberries for Sal. Did the work from homeschoolshare for it.

  4. Hi Amy! How funny to check your blog from the hs group online and see I know you! We met at Misty's shower (I'd made the cake.) Congrats on your handsome new nephew:)
    Hope all is well-your blog looks wonderful-I'm so glad to have found it! God bless!

  5. Looks like lots of great info! Thanks for sharing! ♥
