
The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach

A couple of months ago, I decided to buy a copy of The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach by Robin Sampson. I just have to say this is one of the best homeschooling books I have ever read and I have read a lot of homeschooling books thanks to the wonderful inter-library loan system through my town library. This book had been on my Amazon.com wish list for some time and I finally ordered it. I am so thankful I did! I have a very eclectic style of homeschooling. I love using Charlotte Mason methods, a four year chronological history approach incorporating the Bible, timelines, hands on projects, lapbooks, and unit studies. Robin Mason has managed to combine all my favorite educational methods in one book while teaching me a whole lot about the Bible at the same time. I felt like Robin had gotten inside my brain and written a book just for me.

The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach incorporates the following teaching methods.
1. Bible First
2. A Return to Biblical Hebraic Education
3. A Four-Step Cycle (Excite, Examine, Expand, Excel)
4. Delight-Directed Learning
5. Charlotte Mason's Philosophy and Methods
6. Unit Studies
7. Lifestyle of Learning
8. Writing to Learn
9. Notebooking

The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach has inspired me to put Bible first in our day and this has been a blessing for our family. In a future post, I will share some of the great Bible resources and character building books we have discovered through a number of sources. At the end of The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach, you will find a wonderful extensive list of books covering history (from creation to the present times), science (general, creation, physical science, meteorology, oceanography, botany, earth science, astronomy, marine biology, and more), wisdom, missionary biographies, classics by grade level, and more.

This has been a great year of homeschooling for our family but I still felt as if something was missing. I usually pray daily for wisdom concerning how to best teach our children. God directly answered my prayer by pointing me in the direction of a book with the answer in the title and more importantly in the content of the book. This book wrapped up the loose ends of the teaching approaches I was already using. If you would like to download a free 70 page excerpt from the book, then head over to the Heart of Wisdom website. You can download excerpts from other Heart of Wisdom Publications and print free Old Testament Bible Worksheets and New Testament Bible Worksheets there as well.


  1. Thanks for sharing this review. It sounds exactly how I teach, too. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a copy!

  2. Amy, you are amazing! I wish I could use some of these bible resources with my own students in public school! Thanks for being such a great friend.

  3. Oh, wow! It sounds like your homeschool approach is VERY much like mine. I am definitely going to have to check out this book. Thanks for the review and for submitting it to the Homeschool Showcase.

  4. Did you end up using H.O.W. this year? What did you think?

