
Free Math Instruction Videos

I just discovered this wonderful site with 100's of free math tutorial videos on YouTube. It is called Khan Academy and it covers everything from basic arithmetic and algebra to differential equations, physics, and finance.

According to the Khan Academy site, "Salman Khan founded the Khan Academy with the hope of using technology to foster new learning models. Sal received his MBA from Harvard Business School. He also holds a Masters in electrical engineering and computer science, a BS in electrical engineering and computer science, and a BS in mathematics." He is obviously a bright guy and he has an engaging way of presenting concepts in his videos.

Jacob enjoyed watching a couple of the videos tonight. I added this site to my favorites so the next time Jacob gets stuck on a subject like fractions, I can see if there is a video to help me explain the concept. The video below covers equivalent fractions.


  1. I want to homeschool my kids everytime I read your blog :-))
    Love, Barb

  2. Thank you for sharing the info about the videos! I'm sure I will find that useful, as I plan to take Calculus II over the summer (I'm a homeschool graduate).

    Seeing your various reviews of books, I think you'd really enjoy reading "Pajama School - stories from the life of a homeschool graduate" by Natalie Wickham, an author for whom I work as marketing manager. :) I encourage you to check it out at http://www.pajamaschool.com! :)

    Have a great day! ~Olivia F.
